The Transitional Living Program supports young people as they move from youth to adulthood. Participants live in a supervised home and are either in high school, working on their GED or attending college. They also work independently or through our partnerships with community businesses. Caseworkers and on-site direct are staff are there to guide and support participants with the aim of helping them become independent or transition to another independent living program.

Therapy Services: Provided by Cunningham clinically trained master’s level therapists under the supervision of licensed mental health professionals
Independent Living Skills Training and Housing/Financial Assistance: Teach independent living skills including cooking, housekeeping, laundry, hygiene, money management, social skills, sexual education, tenancy issues and basic legal skills; Helps locate and maintain housing; Provides monthly financial assistance for other necessities
Employment and Educational Assistance: Help in locating and maintaining employment; Provide educational support to help them earn a high school degree or GED and attend college and/or receive vocational training
Medical, Dental, and Recreational Opportunities: Provide through community resources with Cunningham staff assistance; a Cunningham staff nurse is available to give guidance in health and safety issues
- ages 17 1/2 through 21
- in DCFS care
- with a goal of independence
Learn more
Cunningham’s Intake/Admissions Specialist
(217) 337-9059; Fax (217) 367-5910
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Leave a message for call back.
Cunningham intake staff members will complete an assessment prior to admittance. This includes a thorough review of written materials and interviews with referring agencies, the potential client and parent(s)/guardian(s).