Enriching lives

Throughout the year, the lives of the youth and families we serve are enriched by your generosity of donated goods and supplies. While we no longer accept used clothing, our Community-Based Programs are often in need of new or gently-used household items.
Click here for our Amazon Christmas wish list.
Click here for our Christmas wish list.
Click here for our Everyday General wish list.
Click here for our Everyday Amazon wish list.
Click here for our Everyday Caminos wish list.
Donations and Donation Drives
If you have questions about items you wish to donate, please contact Maddy Pierce by phone at (217) 367-3728 or by email at mpierce@cunninghamhome.org
If you have questions or special ideas for a donation drive or anther helpful project, please contact Brooke Watson at (217) 337-9073 or send her an email at bbuzard@cunninghamhome.org.
Drop off Location
Your donations can be dropped off at the Spiritual Life Center, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Once on our campus at 1301 N. Cunningham Avenue in Urbana, go right at the first stop sign and follow around to the circle drive in front of the Spiritual Life Center.