Families Stronger Together (FST) will help youth and their families understand the impact past experiences of trauma have had on their current level of functioning and/or behaviors that have brought them to the attention of the juvenile justice system. The program will also strengthen the trauma-informed caregiving skills of caregivers.

FST aims to boost family resilience by providing various therapeutic services. These include individual and family therapy for youth, psychoeducation for both youth and caregivers, care coordination, intensive family engagement, and collaboration with other service providers for aftercare.
- who reside in Champaign County
- aged 8 through 17
- have become involved, or are at risk of becoming involved, in the juvenile justice system
- with emotional or behavioral issues, unexcused school absenteeism, domestic violence, probation, a pattern of repeated offenses, or facing felony charges.
Learn more
Cunningham’s Intake/Admissions Specialist
(217) 337-9059; Fax (217) 367-5910
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Leave a message for call back.
All referrals will be evaluated individually, and the admission decision will be made after taking into consideration the unique needs of the family. Some families may be referred to other services.